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String concatenation

String Concatenation in Python: Joining Strings

String concatenation is the process of combining two or more strings into a single new string. Python provides several methods for achieving this:

1. Using the Plus Operator (+)

⯄ The most fundamental way to concatenate strings is using the plus operator (+). ⯄ Simply place the strings you want to join next to each other, separated by plus signs.
String concatenation using plus(+) in python first_name = "Alice" last_name = "Smith" full_name = first_name + " " + last_name print(full_name)


Alice Smith

2. Using the join() Method

⯄ The join() method is particularly useful when concatenating a sequence of strings. ⯄ It takes an iterable (like a list or tuple) containing the strings to join and a separator string (optional) to insert between them.
String concatenation using join() method in python colors = ["red", "green", "blue"] color_message = "My favorite colors are " + ", ".join(colors) + "." # "My favorite colors are red, green, blue." print(color_message)


My favorite colors are red, green, blue.

3. Using f-strings (Python 3.6+)

⯄ f-strings (formatted string literals) offer a concise and readable way to combine strings and variables. ⯄ Enclose the string in f-quotes (f"...") and embed variable expressions within curly braces ({}).
String concatenation using f-strings in python name = "Bob" age = 30 greeting = f"Hello, {name}! You are {age} years old." print(greeting)


Hello, Bob! You are 30 years old.

Choosing the Right Method

⯄ For simple concatenation of a few strings, the plus operator is often sufficient. ⯄ When dealing with a sequence of strings or dynamic content, the join() method provides flexibility. ⯄ f-strings are a modern approach that promotes readability and maintainability, especially for formatted string construction.

Additional Considerations

⯄ String concatenation creates a new string; it doesn't modify the original strings. ⯄ You can concatenate strings with other data types by converting them to strings (e.g., using str() for numbers). Example:
String concatenation example in python def build_address(street, city, state, zip_code): """Concatenates address components into a single string.""" address = street + "\n" + city + ", " + state + " " + zip_code return address street = "123 Main St" city = "Anytown" state = "CA" zip_code = "12345" full_address = build_address(street, city, state, zip_code) print(full_address)


123 Main St Anytown, CA 12345


★python ★ string ★ Concatenation
